All About Western Compounds & Expat Housing In UAE | Ranco Village


In Saudi Arabia, the majority of foreigners live in Western-styled compounds (KSA). It's like living in a small self-contained holiday village in ex-pat exclusive housing. Range of pools, eateries, markets and other amenities are available in the better ones. Within the Western Compounds in Riyadh, the dress code is Western, with some compounds outright prohibiting Saudi attire, and Saudis are absolutely not permitted socially!

In general, lodging on Western compounds in Saudi Arabia is of good quality and roomy. Compound living is more expensive than living off it (anything from 100,000 to 200,000 SAR for a three-bedroom villa or even more), but most foreigners prefer it because of the liberty, security, and amenities. If you have a family, we would not recommend living off-site; at least they have some freedom within the compound.

Compound Security

 The Western Compounds in Riyadh are highly safe. They have elevated concrete walls that are usually topped with a metal cover or net extension to keep anything from falling over. Concrete blocks surround the compounds, prohibiting anyone from approaching them. You typically have to drive through a concrete slalom course before reaching at least two security gates to access the entrance. Security personnel deployed outside will inspect your vehicle and open the trunk. 

 If you are a visitor, the internal security staff will check your ID, which they will keep—a copy of which will be forwarded to one of the ministries along with the person's name you are visiting. 

 Living off-compound is not advised or encouraged for westerners, as places that host Westerners are expected to use and pay for National Guard protection.


Most of the accommodation at Western Compounds in Riyadh aimed at Westerners is quite spacious and well maintained— generally around 150 – 200 sqm for three-bedroom type villas or apartments. They will have all of the standard areas, such as a kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and, in some cases, multiple bathrooms—Saudis love their bathrooms! If you're lucky, you'll have a tiny garden to yourself for enjoying the evenings.

For the best residential compounds in Riyadh City built exclusively for Westerners, visit us now our official website.


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